What is super.BUILD? (FAQ)

photo credit: Clay Banks/Unsplash

photo credit: Clay Banks/Unsplash

Before my pocket gave me 24/7 access to Google, I would ask my brilliant wife Betsy the most challenging questions. Her standard answer: “all the information can be found in the library” (as in, go find out yourself!)

If you have questions about super.BUILD, this is the beginning of our “library.”

P.S. If you don’t find the answer here, I can GUARANTEE other people are probably wondering the same thing.

You are not alone. Just ask.

PLEASE email your question to robert@super.build.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are these intro talks free? (Good question!)

Each super.BUILD program starts with a free preview to the paid program that follows the next three weeks. I want to make it easy for people who need the support to enroll (free preview), to pay (keep it reasonably priced, $97), and to participate (just three weeknights).

As a psychologist and a cisgender male, you may wonder why I focus on supporting femme (a term intended to include all female-identifying) leadership. If you don’t know me personally (and even if you do), here are my motives:

I am scared about the way the world is heading. I am choosing to put my energy into creating something new rather than resisting the growth of destructive forces. I believe that fighting against negativity only strengthens what we resist. I have chosen to create instead. The new thing I chose to create was super.BUILD, a way to expand and support humane and compassionate leadership.

People deserve respect, more respect than FB and traditional advertising offer. Of course, there is a lot of competition for your attention, making it especially difficult to share something new. Traditional marketing suggests that I “grab” your attention and play to your basest instincts. Our choices reflect who we are. Instead of attempting to induce fear or anger, I have made a choice to be authentic and respectful.

There needs to be a connection between the mission of super.BUILD and the way I promote and market these programs. If I wish to create a space where femme leaders can learn from each other, I want to invite you into that space. That way, you can make a choice.

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2. Is this for me?

super.BUILD is for the early-career professional woman to find the people who will sponsor you, talk about you, and care enough about you to make something together. If you want to learn how to let go of what doesn't serve youfind the tribe of people to help you launch your rockstar career, and to learn how to focus in a world crowded with attention-grabbing distractions, come to an upcoming program.

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3. What is a Positive Psychologist?

Whereas a traditional Psychologist asks about symptoms and finds problems to solve, Positive Psychologists start with character strengths. I call them superpowers. Why? Because we believe (and now have the research to back it up) that what you focus on becomes your reality.

In order to be happier, the research in Positive Psychology shows you that you don't need to silence the negative voices in your head, you just need to increase the ratio of positive emotions in your day. Identifying and practicing your character strengths like curiosity, creativity, and honesty (there are 24) can help you do just that: change your Positivity Ratio. And when you do that, you can create an upward spiral in your life.

Making the choice to put my energy into creating a leadership program like super.BUILD helps me increase the positivity ratio in my life and allows me to put positive, creative energy into the world. As a Positive Psychologist, I practice what I preach: what we focus on becomes our reality.

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Robert Zeitlin